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YouTube New Eligiblity Criteria - Really YouTube, really?!

Hi guys, I'm sure you're painfully aware of the new policy in place by YouTube regarding monetisation, if you run a small channel like me.  Today I received a message in my inbox, which I can assure you, did not put a smile on my face.  (I have left it at the end of this post for you) The new threshold for monetisation is 4,000 hours of watch time in the last 12 months, which is hard for a small channel to achieve, and 1,000 subscribers.  My channel, Jenny E, is currently, at the time of writing this, at 611 subscribers and 1,500 hours of watch time in the last 12 months.  I put a lot of hard work, effort and love into my channel and its very upsetting to be suddenly told I can no longer earn any money from doing it.  Not that it was a lot of income, but it was something. Link to my channel encase you're interested - There is speculation that this is due to Logan Paul's recent video, featuring what app...

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