Must have’s and do’s when travelling
I travel a lot and I love it. I’ve done a separate blogpost about why I love travelling so much but in this one I’m going to focus on all the things I’ve learned over that time to be super helpful in making journeys and time at the destination, much, much easier.
Don't over pack, I repeat, don't overpack! Even if you have the space or the weight allowance, its just annoying, inconvenient and stress inducing to bring everything from your house but the kitchen sink. I advise making a list, deciding what you really need and what you are so unlikely to need that its really not worth bringing, like that bit of flint to start a fire, just encase, even though you’re going to Mallorca.
Rucksack of essentials for the frequent traveller - this is one I value very highly. If you travel a lot like me, it might be worth investing in a few duplicates of products you already have and would definitely need anywhere you want to go, and keep them in a rucksack, ready packed, perhaps in the boot of your car even, so that you know you’ve got those essentials ready to go, anytime, and its just the more specific things you’ll need to pack. I like to keep things like toiletries, and some of the items I’m going to mention below in my always packed bag.

Sticking to the beauty theme, they make nail polish remover pads now, who knew?! They’re so handy if you want to wear nail polish while you’re away but you might want to take it off at some point. Taking a big bottle of nail polish remover with you isn't really the best, or easiest thing to do, so these little beauties are perfect.
Water - It might sound like an obvious one, but you’d be surprised how many people I know that travel without it. When you’re travelling, especially if you’re driving, you need to be well hydrated, so bring a bottle or two with you, you can get disposable ones if you prefer to chuck them once you’re done.
If you’re anything like me, you like to sneak takeout up to your hotel room from time to time, and I find paper plates are a super useful thing to bring with me. I love getting a delicious Indian and watching a film in my room, and theres nothing better than when you’re done, being able to chuck the paper plate in the bin. I also usually bring some bin bags with me, hotel bins are tiny and you don't want to throw messy plates in them anyway. It might sound strange, but these two have been super useful to me on many occasions.
Finally, get your audio book or playlist of songs on your phone, iPod whatever; before you go, make sure you have enough to listen to for the whole journey there and back, assuming you don't get so captivated by the beauty of the destination that you just stay there forever, and make sure if its an audio book that its interesting enough to keep your attention.
More travel tips, to follow next Wednesday!
Happy Travelling.
Love and Kisses, Jenny E xxx
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